The Most Powerful Historical Pictures.

But once in a while you see a photo from the past that can truly shock and surprise you—as it just doesn’t make sense in today’s world. Let’s take a look at some of the most amazing photos from the past that you would never see today.

Floating House, 1920

We know what you are thinking. Is this a scene from the classic movie The Wizard of Oz? But no! This is a real-life image of something that actually happened. In a particularly huge flood in 1920, this house slid down the embankment and right into the water.

We are not sure how this was possible, but perhaps houses built in those days didn’t have as strong foundations to keep them rooted to the spot in case of extreme weather conditions.

Floating House, 1920

However it happened, it makes for a truly astonishing photo.

Princeton students after a freshman vs. sophomores snowball fight, 1893

Princeton students after a freshman vs. sophomores snowball fight, 1893

The Mattress

People were getting up to all sorts of trouble back in the 1800s. We’re not totally sure what’s going on in this picture, or why we’re seeing a group of women holding up a mattress that seems to be covered in some kind of unidentified stain.

The Mattress

so we’ll probably never know whether this was the result of childbirth, or someone eating some bad Mexican food.

Billy Rose’s “Aquabelles”, 1939

Theatrical showman Billy Rose was a famous staple of the New York entertainment scene for decades spanning across World War II and in 1939, he staged one of his most popular and famous shows of all, a fashion parade featuring his “Aquabelles”.

Billy Rose’s “Aquabelles”, 1939

Here we can see the Aquabelles showing off bathing suits from the past and present—as well as modeling styles they project for the future! Isn’t it crazy to see what they predicted the styles of today would look like—they weren’t far off, were they?

Mount Rushmore, 1935

The faces of Mount Rushmore are some of the most famous and iconic sights in American history, and we have all seen them either face to face or in pictures. But not many people have seen the legendary sculpture up close and personal in the way that these two fellows have, being the sculptors themselves, Gutzon Borglum and his son Lincoln.

Mount Rushmore, 1935
Aboard the Mount Rushmore tramway, the two men get an incredibly close look at the cliffside sculpture as it begins to take shape. A great view for them—and an iconic photo for us.

Unknown soldiers in Vietnam, 1965

Vietnam, December 9, 1965 – ‘a Navy Corpsman Carries A Wounded Marine Through Jungled Area Near The Village Of Qu Son.’

Carving Eye On Mount Rushmore, 1930s.

Carving Eye On Mount Rushmore, 1930s.

Penny Lane, 1967

What a time to be alive! The Beatles’ song “Penny Lane” became an instant hit when it was first released in 1967, at the peak of the mega successful and globally adored rock band’s fame. The impact of their hit can be seen in this brilliant photo showing two girls unscrewing a road sign from the road itself, most likely to take home as a priceless souvenir.

Penny Lane, 1967

Since the 1960s, the Penny Lane sign has been stolen so many times that the city started painting the road name on the wall instead, before eventually installing theft-proof signs in 2007.

Christian Dior Hat Show, 1963

The 1960s was truly an iconic decade in more ways than one. As well as the revolutionary “peace and love” way of living, there was also a huge amount of change and innovation in all types of creative outlets, from music and art to even the fashion world.

Christian Dior Hat Show, 1963

Here we can see iconic fashion designer Christian Dior’s new and innovative styles of hats, being showcased by models of the moment Oonagh Dunne, Nena Dubois, and Anne Milling. What we wouldn’t give to be a fly on that wall!

André Courrèges Fashion Models, 1965

Here we have a selection of models showcasing some of the iconic fashions and styles from the chicest decade of all time, the swinging sixties.

Fashion designer André Courrèges created these leather skirts, shaped like barrels and held up by bold suspenders. Coupled with another stylistic feature of the era, the cowl-necked blouse, these looks defined the revolutionary vibe of the decade and continue to influence fashion to this day.

André Courrèges Fashion Models, 1965

The bold lines and styles are so evocative of the sixties, it reminds us of the original meaning of chic.

Swimsuits in Skegness, 1975

Many a Brit will know and recognize the name of Butlins, the famous and popular holiday resort dotted all over the U.K. It’s not known for being the classiest or fanciest destinations, but families all over the country still love it and flock to it every summer.

Swimsuits in Skegness, 1975

So it may come as a surprise to many to see this super stylish and fashionable arrangement of women walking along and rocking their swimwear at the resort. It’s certainly not the sort of fashion we’d see today!

Lake Placid, 1923

Is there anything more classy and glamorous than this picture! Here we can see three fabulous young women taking in a spot of tea atop a beautiful ski table, placed beautifully on top of an idyllic frozen lake.

Lake Placid, 1923

These days, we’d be slipping about all over the place, before heading off to a cheap and cheerful café round the corner. Just as much fun, but not with the same kind of panache and effortless style that these ladies are so easily pulling off. What a time to be alive.

A grotto in an iceberg as seen during the British Antarctic Expedition, January 5, 1911.

A grotto in an iceberg as seen during the British Antarctic Expedition, January 5, 1911.


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