“This Will Make Some People Really Mad… We Should Dedicate a Month to Veterans Before We Have a Pride Month!”

In the ongoing discussion about how we allocate time to honor various groups, a provocative suggestion has emerged: dedicating a month to veterans before celebrating Pride Month. This proposal has sparked intense debate and strong reactions from all sides.

A Call to Honor Our Heroes

Kid Rock

Slamming the 46-year-old singer for his “crass cultural appropriation of black music,” Henderson argued that his “actions,” and “the symbols he chooses and the stances he favors—the dog whistle racism about [activist and athlete Colin Kaepernick], the twisted nods to the Confederate flag as a symbol of American pride—are incompatible with the pro-Detroit platitudes he sometimes mouths.” According to Henderson, before the Sept. 12 kickoff, the musician “could—and probably should—draw significant protests, launched from a community that has grown tired of being told its concerns don’t matter, even when our money is used for something built in our own backyard. It will be an inauspicious start, to say the least.”

Advocates for this idea argue that veterans deserve greater recognition for their sacrifices and service to the nation. They believe that a dedicated month would provide a fitting tribute to the men and women who have fought to protect the freedoms that all citizens enjoy.

Veterans’ Contributions

Veterans have played a crucial role in shaping the history and security of the country. From fighting in wars to providing disaster relief and community service, their contributions are vast and impactful. A month dedicated to veterans would offer an opportunity to educate the public about these sacrifices and to ensure that their legacy is remembered and respected.

The Pride Month Perspective


On the other side of the debate, supporters of Pride Month emphasize the importance of recognizing and celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. Pride Month serves as a crucial time to honor the struggles and achievements of LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting acceptance and equality.

Balancing Recognition

This proposal brings to light the challenge of balancing recognition for different groups. Some suggest that both veterans and the LGBTQ+ community deserve dedicated time for reflection and celebration. They argue that creating additional months of recognition could be a solution that honors all groups appropriately.

Public Reaction

Public reaction to this suggestion has been mixed. Some support the idea, feeling that veterans have not been given the recognition they deserve. Others worry that prioritizing one group over another could lead to divisiveness and overshadow the importance of each group’s contributions.

Moving Forward

As this debate continues, it’s essential to find ways to honor all groups without diminishing the significance of any. Whether through dedicated months or other forms of recognition, the goal should be to foster a culture of respect and appreciation for the diverse contributions to our society.


The suggestion to dedicate a month to veterans before celebrating Pride Month has ignited passionate discussions about how best to honor the contributions of different groups. As we navigate these conversations, it’s crucial to seek inclusive solutions that respect and celebrate the sacrifices and achievements of all.

Stay tuned for more updates and perspectives on this and other important issues.


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