‘Honest Mistake’: Local Couple Pays for Jelly Roll’s Burger King Order After Assuming He Is Homeless.


In a heartwarming yet humorous turn of events, retired couple Jill and Arthur Newsom found themselves in an unexpected situation during their usual Saturday date at the Midland Burger King. The Grammy-nominated singer Jelly Roll walked in to place an order, and the Newsoms, mistaking him for a homeless man, kindly offered to pay for his meal.

The Encounter

The Newsoms, known for their volunteer work at the local shelter, were accustomed to helping those in need. Arthur noticed Jelly Roll’s disheveled hair and the marks on his face and immediately thought he might be down on his luck. Without hesitation, they decided to pay for his order.

Arthur’s Perspective

“I thought maybe he had a tough go of it lately, hair disheveled and marks all along his face,” said Arthur Newsom. “My wife and I volunteer at the local shelter, and he looked a lot like some of our clients.”

The Revelation

Upon learning that the man they had just helped was actually Jelly Roll, the famous singer, the Newsoms were both surprised and amused. Their initial reaction was to support him further by inquiring if he had a CD available for purchase.

Jill’s Perspective

“We like to support artists too,” said Jill. “He’s one of those with a unique style, so this was an honest mistake.”

Jelly Roll’s Response

Jelly Roll, known for his humility and down-to-earth personality, was touched by the couple’s gesture. He graciously accepted their offer and shared a light-hearted moment with the Newsoms, appreciating their kindness and the misunderstanding that brought them together.

A Lesson in Kindness

This incident is a reminder of the simple acts of kindness that can bridge the gap between people from different walks of life. The Newsoms’ willingness to help, despite their mistaken assumption, highlights the importance of compassion and generosity.

Supporting Artists

The Newsoms’ immediate shift from helping a perceived homeless individual to supporting an artist they admire underscores their genuine desire to make a positive impact. Their actions reflect a community spirit that values both human dignity and artistic expression.


Jill and Arthur Newsom’s encounter with Jelly Roll at the Midland Burger King is a delightful story of mistaken identity, kindness, and support for the arts. Their honest mistake led to a memorable interaction that showcases the best of human nature. As the Newsoms continue their volunteer work and community support, their story serves as an inspiration to approach each day with empathy and an open heart.

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