Breaking: Denzel Washington, Sylvester Stallone, and ClintEastwood have taken a heroic oath to defend Hollywoodagainst Woke Culture

Preserving Hollywood’s Essence: Denzel Washington, Sylvester Stallone, and ClintEastwood’s Stand Against ‘Woke Monstrosity’ The Collective Legacy and MotivationsDernzel Washimgton, Sylvester Stallone, and Clint Eastwood are Iot just actors but icons …

Breaking: Denzel Washington, Sylvester Stallone, and ClintEastwood have taken a heroic oath to defend Hollywoodagainst Woke Culture Read More

KNEELING: After the University of Texas, all students who knelt during the national anthem were rounded up and REMOVED FROM SCHOLARSHIPS News

The University of Texas (UT) has recently come under intense scrutiny for reportedlyrevoking scholarships from five athletes who knelt during the National Anthem toprotest racial injustice. Inspired by former NFL …

KNEELING: After the University of Texas, all students who knelt during the national anthem were rounded up and REMOVED FROM SCHOLARSHIPS News Read More

ΝᖴᏞ Ꭱеfеrееѕ ᎠіѕqυаΙіfу ᖴіνе ΡΙауеrѕ Uпdеr Ꮮеаɡυе’ѕ Νеᴡ “Νо Αпtһеⅿ ΚпееΙіпɡ News

The Intersection of Sports, Politics, and Persornal LivesSports, often considered a vnifying force, can become a battleground for broader societal issves. Therecent incident in Buffalo, where a kickoff resulting in …

ΝᖴᏞ Ꭱеfеrееѕ ᎠіѕqυаΙіfу ᖴіνе ΡΙауеrѕ Uпdеr Ꮮеаɡυе’ѕ Νеᴡ “Νо Αпtһеⅿ ΚпееΙіпɡ News Read More